Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sophie Cowley

We continued on our advencture towards the historical seatown of Concarneau in the department of Finistere. The bus ride from Vannes lasted about 1.5 hours and most of the students slept and were ready to go to the beach after our check-in at the Aubere de Jeunesse

The weather was just spectacular, as you may know, the weather in Brittany can be very fluctuant but we were very lucky and most of the sutdents decided to dip their toes..and more in the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the really cold water temperatures (from my Californian perspecctive) ALL of the students had a great time jumping into the water.

Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)
Arrivee a l'Auberge de Jeunesse

Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)

Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)

Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)


Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)

Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)
Couche de Soleil en Bretagne
Photo for blog post Weekend en Cornouaille (Partie 2)
FIn de journee