Atelier Jardins Partagés - Shared Gardens

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Beth-Ann Alto

The Rennes Language and Culture Honors students visited an organic shared community garden. The students took a walking and tasting tour where they sampled fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, and cherries. They also tasted freshly picked zucchini, green beans et fava beans. They learned that some flowers are not just for enjoying with our eyes and noses, but that there are varieties that are edible--sweet poppy petals, somewhat bitter clover flowers and a flower that tasted like mushrooms! All of these tasting adventures were voluntary for the students and most of them were accepted with curious and open-minds. 

Some of our students, this week, chose food waste as their project for their class presentation, and they could definitely see how this space was a model of la vie écolo! The students not only enjoyed fresh produce, they learned the steps that it takes to grow a garden. Some students helped prepare garden spaces with compost, others identified what was a mauvaise herbe and helped to remove them to leave more space for the plants, and a few even helped to remove invasive insects from potato plant leaves! 

Tour du jardin