I didn't say it...THEY did!

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sophie Cowley

Since I started working for CIEE, 3 years ago, I continue discovering and appreciate what a wonderful opportunity these immersion language and culture programs are. Today I would like to let the students' voice be heard.

Here are a few reflections from this year's HSSA students in Rennes, France:

After going to Paris with her host family, Skylie wrote:  "It was always my dream to go there and with my host family, it was really great. My host family is truly the best I could have ever asked for. When I see the photo, I feel happy because I love my family and I'm so excited to be able to go to Paris with them" 

While at the market, Graham wrote: " I was at the Marché des Lices and I was on a mission to find the traditional "galette saucisse" I knew there were sausages at the market, but I couldn't find them. I wanted a taste of something truly authentic. The sausage patty was really good and I was really happy to eat it. The patty had sausage, cheese, onions, and an egg. I was satisfied after I ate it and then I was ready to taste other things at the Marché des Lices."

During the overnight excursion in St. Malo, Anas wrote: "Our weekend in Saint Malo was my favorite weekend during the program. When I look at the photos, it reminds me of all the positive emotions when I was at the beach with friends. There are moments that are perfect, and this is it. I don't think we can recreate the moment if we want."

While looking back at photos from the annual Fête de la Musique, Mai Ly wrote: "It’s a selfie during the music festival with my friends from the program. When I look at this photo, I remember all the memories of the music festival. I've never been to a festival like that before so it was really the first time I experienced it and I really liked it."

As a program leader I absolutely love seeing the personal growth taking place in each of our participants. The students arrive with a few anxieties, anticipations and/or expectations but always leave with a better understanding, sense of accomplishment, success and pride.