Visiting Almudaina - El Palacio Real

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Eblin Molina

We had a very informative and enjoyable experience when we visited the Almudaina. This is a landmark of Palma de Mallorca that keeps within its walls centuries of history. It was great to have our tour completely in Spanish and to have a knowledgeable guide who provided detailed information about each room of the Palace and answered the questions of the participants who wanted to know more.

The students learned that the Almudaina was built on a site where the Romans and the Arabs had left their mark. The Palace was built in the XIV century when Jaime II reigned in Mallorca; however, its history began a few centuries back. Now, the Palace continues being the residence of the actual King and Queen of Spain (Felipe VI and Letizia) when they come to the island, which happens every summer. In fact, they will come to Palma while our program is still running, at the end of July!

At the end of the tour our students had time to revisit, on their own, rooms that interested them, to enjoy the gorgeous view of the Cathedral on one side and of the Balearic Sea on the other side, as well as to take photos. During the debrief after the visit, our students demonstrated how much they understood and learned. We are very proud of them and excited for how much more they will learn.