The Universal Language

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Sports Management

Authored By:

Leandra Conti

One of the best things a student studying abroad can do is to immerse themselves in the local culture. Even through language barriers and cultural differences, one key to unlocking the immersion potential and acting like a universal language has been football (soccer). During my time in Barcelona, I was amazed by how football acted as a bridge not only between American and Spanish students, but as a common interest the students in the program used to come together. Despite what part of the United States everyone was from, they all came together either on the pitch or talking about football. 

Whether they were playing their nightly pick up games at the residence halls or having a watch party of the Euros in the media room, football has been the common ground that brought everyone together. The students may have liked different foods, read different books, rooted for different NFL teams or even been from different coasts, but playing football together and watching the beautiful sport, none of that mattered. It almost felt like this group turned into one team and their common goal was to bond over football. 

Football also provided an incredibly opportunity for cultural exchange. The group got to tour the Barça Museum at Camp Nou, visit the Olympic Stadium with FC Barçelona plays now and even got the opportunity to play football against local students from the school across the street from the residence hall. It was amazing to watch these kids share stories about their favorite players, matches they got to see, witness them hone their skills and cheer each other on during their scrimmage with a local youth club. While being immersed in the football culture of Barçelona, they bonded over a shared loved of the game. 

But perhaps the most important lesson they gained from this shared passion was the value of teamwork. As groups work tirelessly over their final project in their spots management class, teamwork has been a value that has emerged. Watching students who, just two short weeks ago were strangers, put their heads and ideas together to create something has been quite a sight to behold as an educator. I can't help but thank their common passion for football as a large stepping stone to getting them to work as such a great unit. They will walk away with core memories, life long friends, but skills that will help them excel in both their academic and professional lives. 

As always, for more real time updates feel free to follow me on Instagram @pewithconti