A trip to the Palma Aquarium and Contemporary Art Museum!

Programs for this blog post

Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems & Sustainability

Authored By:

Zachary Duke
Shots of different tanks


Monday and Tuesday, the group made their way to the aquarium in S’Arenal. On Tuesday, we spent a day in Palma, which included visiting the contemporary art museum before class!

The aquarium was a great opportunity to build on our biology class work. We were able to see both native species from Mallorca and exotic animals in controlled environments. Although I think snorkeling is fun, it was great to observe and look at animals in a more controlled environment.

Big tank

Each group wandered through the aquarium, exploring and taking notes on the different organisms. We saw over 55 tanks with unique ecosystems and animals, from sharks to miniature anemones, stingrays to pufferfish. Not to mention the parrot people got photos with! 

Birdy, Allison, Iris and Gio

Birdy, Allison, Iris, Gio

One of the highlights I noticed was definitely the eels in tanks. There were lots of reactions and excitement, just because they have such an undeniably weird energy!



museum image

Then, early Tuesday, we headed over to the museum. I thought it was cool to see not only Spanish artwork but also work from various cultures, all in the context of Balearic culture. One of the students favorite areas was a series of works from an artist, Katja Meirowsky, who fled to Ibiza during the 1940s. And the other piece that seemed to be a big hit was the rat shadow sculpture! 

painting #2


museum image 2

After wandering the museum and seeing an aerial view of the marina, we made our way to my favorite gelato spot! 

Billy and Ben with interesting flavors