Trip to Guadalest and Fonts de l'Algar

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall

It’s the weekend which means no classes but we’ve still got some fun activities to do! On Saturday we took a bus to the town of Guadalest to see the castle there. But first we visited Casa Orduña, which was built after the earthquake of 1644 that destroyed the castle rooms. A noble family from the Basque region of Spain lived there for many years. The house consisted of an entrance hall, bedrooms, a large kitchen, dining room, living room, and library. We then walked to the Castle ruins where the views were beautiful!

Next we got back on the bus and drove to the Fonts de l’Algar, a place with waterfalls where we could go swimming. The students got to explore this beautiful area by hiking and swimming by the waterfalls. The rest of the weekend will be spent with the host families and learning more about the las hogueras festival happening now in Alicante. Some of our students will be writing more about that in another blog post soon. We had such a fun day on our excursion and are now excited to get to experience las hogueras more during our weekend!