Sun, Sand, and Competition: Beach Olympics in Alicante
To start our final week in the beautiful beach-side Alicante, and in honor of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics taking place right now, we hosted beach olympics on San Juan beach! The students split themselves into 4 teams of 5, and we started our events with some healthy competition brewing among the players.

We started with a water race, where students had to transfer water from the beginning of their teams line to the end, all while blindfolded! The teammate at the front of the line had a full cup of water, while the 4 teammates behind had empty cups. They had to get creative with how they were going to get the most amount of water to the end of the line, as whichever team's cup at the end held the most water, won the event’s point!

We then moved onto some beach basketball where whichever team made the first basket, received the point for the event, which proved to be more difficult than we thought!

Then the teams chose 2 members each to participate in a classic egg toss. Our Global Navigators had to throw and successfully catch an egg, each time taking a big step backwards to create a larger gap between the contestants, without breaking the egg.

Our final activity was a sandcastle building competition where students could use full creativity to make their structure stand out, and they certainly did! From a pyramid, to the town of Alicante, as well as a mystical fortress, they used a great deal of teamwork in the final event to showcase some extraordinary sandcastles.

We are getting ready to say hasta luego, and filling our last week here in Alicante with more memories every day. This has been a wonderful group and spending the last month together has bonded everyone in a way that only a study abroad trip away from home truly can, giving them a second home and family to always remember and come back to.
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