Alicante  Spanish Language & Culture
CIEE Staff

Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall

Spanish Language & Culture Alicante, Spain



Goodbye Lunch and Final Reflections

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

This month has flown by and today was the final day of classes! The students gave their last presentations, talked about the reflection journals, and watched a video of the... keep reading


Flamenco Class

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

It’s our final week in Alicante and we only have a few afternoon activities left. Before leaving Spain we thought it was important for the students to try one of... keep reading


A Weekend with our Host Families

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

Over the weekend our students spent some time with their host families. Some people went to see the fireworks that take place after the Hogueras festival, many went to the... keep reading


Ocean Race Museum

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

We are always so busy with fun activities in the afternoon such as when we went to the Ocean Race Museum in Alicante. The Ocean Race started in 1973 and... keep reading


Las Hogueras

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

The students spent the weekend with their host families and got to experience L as Hogueras festival with them. One of our students, Elena Cole Carlo, wrote this blog post... keep reading


Trip to Guadalest and Fonts de l'Algar

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

It’s the weekend which means no classes but we’ve still got some fun activities to do! On Saturday we took a bus to the town of Guadalest to see the... keep reading


Community Conversations in Alicante

By Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall at CIEE

In addition to our Spanish classes we also have “Community Conversations”. The goal of the Community Conversations is for students to practice what they learned in class that day with native speakers in a more authentic environment. Getting to talk with locals in the community is a great way to feel more comfortable speaking Spanish.

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