Team Bonding

Programs for this blog post

Sports Management

Authored By:

Leandra Conti

A hectic travel day followed by a few days of getting settled in and used to a brand new city would be a daunting task for anyone. However, these students took that challenge and ran with it. Once everyone checked into their living quarters at the aparto Pallars residence hall, students were escorted around their neighborhood and traveled to the CIEE center where they would be having their classes. It was a busy first few days but the students had smiles on their faces and excitement radiating off of them. Our first cultural activity as a group was a scavenger hunt in the Gothic Quarter of the city. The group was divided into teams and the gauntlet was laid down. Our competitive adventure first landed us at the Plaça Sant Jaume. This area is located in the heart of the Gothic Quarter and represents the political and social center of Barcelona. Students learned that it was home to two of the most important institutional buildings in Catalonia; the Barcelona City Council and the Palau de la Generalitat. Next, our search took us to one of the secrets of the Gothic Quarter, the executioner's house. The figure of the executioner has long been one of the most hated in the history of Barcelona, to the point where no local wanted to call this person neighbor. To solve this conundrum, the the government assigned the executioner their own house in plaç del Rei. This house was easily found by the executioner emblem above the door. Moving along, everyone found their way to the Cathedral of Barcelona. Reading about the history and stories of the visages on the facade of the building, our plucky travelers needed to find specifically the mermaid and alligator stone images. As a program leader, my job was to take a step back and monitor, letting the students problem solve and adapt on their own. Watching them laugh, work together and explore I was struck with the thought that I was witnessing them make lifetime memories. It was an honor to be a part of that experience for them.

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