San Joan and the Correfoc!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Paulina Molina

On Sunday the 23rd of June, our students in Palma de Mallorca celebrated San Joan, a vibrant festival marking the summer solstice.

Our students, along with their host families, headed to the beach where the festivities began. As the sun set, the beach became a lively hub of picnics, bonfires, and music. At midnight, some joined the tradition of running into the sea, a symbolic act believed to cleanse the body and soul. Making wishes for the coming year, they experienced the magic of this communal ritual under the moonlit sky.

The highlight of San Joan is the Correfoc, or "fire run." Mallorcan ‘demonis,’ dressed as devils, dance through the streets with fire and sparklers, accompanied by a percussion band. Our students watched in awe before bravely joining the dance, moving to the rhythm and the sparkler’s crackle. This exhilarating experience allowed them to feel the thrill and excitement of this ancient tradition.

Celebrating San Joan was an unforgettable experience for our students. They deepened their appreciation for Mallorcan culture and created lasting memories with their host families and peers. ¡Viva San Joan!