Playa La Romana

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Zachary Dzierzgowski

Imagine waking up to a sunny day on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain, and setting off for a day of fun and unforgettable memories. That's what 49 excited students experienced on their recent trip to Playa La Romana. The journey began early at the Plaza de España in Palma, where the students gathered at 8:00 AM.

Bus ride to Playa La Romana

At 8:30 AM, the students boarded their bus. The journey to Playa La Romana was scenic, offering views of Mallorca's stunning landscapes.

Upon arriving at the beach, our program participants quickly set up their umbrellas and towels.  It was a perfect day for the beach, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze keeping the temperature just right.  Some chose to swim in the crystal clear waters while others lounged tanning on the shoreline.  

Participants set up their beach spots

Being only the fifth day of the program, Playa La Romana offered an opportunity for our participants to continue getting to know one another and have some fun in the sun before their first presentations in class later that afternoon.  

Picture of Playa La Romana

They played games, read books, waded in the sea, and had a marvelous time.  This beach day will definitely be remembered as one of the highlights of the first week of the Palma program.  Stay tuned for more adventures to come!

Fun in the sun!