A Journey to the Stars at Cité de l’Espace

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French Language & Culture

Our afternoon began with a short visit to the eastern outskirts of Toulouse, where the Cité de l’Espace is located. This scientific discovery center, opened in June 1997, is a must-visit for anyone passionate about astronomy and space.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by full-scale models of the Ariane 5 rocket, the Mir space station, and Soyuz modules. The students were in awe of the size and complexity of these spacecrafts. We also visited the planetarium, where we were treated to a stunning show about the cosmos.

The Cité de l’Espace offers a wealth of information through its permanent and temporary exhibitions. One of the highlights was the LuneXplorer exhibition, where our participants got to experience what it is like to be an astronaut on a journey to the Moon.

As the day came to a close, we reflected on our experiences. The students were particularly intrigued by the presentations on past and future space missions. They also enjoyed the flight simulators and the 3D film projection.

Our visit to the Cité de l’Espace was not just a day out in Toulouse, but a journey through the universe. It opened our eyes to the infinite and extraordinary world of space exploration. This experience was a reminder of how much there is to learn and discover beyond our own planet.

À demain, for more stories from Toulouse!