Out and About in Berlin...
Guten Tag, liebe Leute!
Hello, lovely people!
I promised you that I would update you on the excursions that our students have been going on over the past few days, so here I am!
It has been a great first week and our students are now fully in the groove of host families, German classes, and community conversations. Our group is establishing a good rapport and it has been a lot of fun watching our students form friendships that transcend their geographical backgrounds and any prior German knowledge. More than one student has already told me how much they have learned and grown in the past half-week and I have heard several students sharing how confident they feel about speaking German and using the public transportation on their own. We all know the ways in which travel and language learning have enriched our lives and it is such a joy watching these young people experience the same challenges and joys. Every day they are stepping outside of their comfort zone more and more and I could not be more proud. They are truly embracing all that Berlin has to offer!
I hope you enjoy some photos from our first few excursions and seminars. If the first week has been any indication we are in for an amazing summer and we hope you will follow along!
Danke und bis bald!
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