Nothing "Toulouse" — c'est parti !

Programs for this blog post

French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Taron Ware

Le voyage forme la jeunesse. Is there any better way to express our hopes, goals, and ambitions for this summer in Toulouse? Travel broadens the mind.

As Program Leaders, we have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this session’s participants. We are confident that their time in the ville rose will be challenging, transformative, and delightful.

For many students, this will be the first time leaving home for an extended period. We understand how difficult this can be and are here to support them through the highs and lows of their time here in France’s fourth largest city.

“Snowball,” one of the icebreaker activities at our two-day orientation.
“Snowball,” one of the icebreaker activities at our two-day orientation.

A Network of 24/7 Support

Participants know the importance of keeping their phones with them and charged at all times. They understand that communication is key and that there is a network of at least 14 local, qualified adults monitoring their growth and well-being throughout their sojourn in the south of France. Whatever challenges our Global Navigators may encounter as they embark upon the uncharted waters of the Garonne, we’ve got their backs!

Le voyage forme la jeunesse.

As our young travelers embrace and overcome challenges, they will grow in ways they could not have imagined. We are looking forward to four transformative weeks with this wonderful group of navigators and are thrilled to witness firsthand a collective broadening of their young and inquisitive minds.