Las Sevillanas

Programs for this blog post

Honors Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Patrick Raftery

This week the students got up on their feet to participate in a dancing activity! And not just any style of dance, but one that has its roots here in Spain: Las Sevillanas. This type of dance is characterized by its influence from folk music and also Flamenco. The dance can often bee seen performed during celebrations by people of all ages and genders. 

The students began by first listening to various songs out on by the dance instructor to get the students used to the rhythm and style of the dance. After the students got their ears accustomed to the music, then the instructor began showing the students some basic steps and the proper technique. Las Sevillanas are usually made up of four parts or "coplas" and each "copla" consists of three sections: the "pasada", the "seguida", and the "remate". Also, this type of dance is typically done with a partner, so the whole class partnered up and we all practiced doing the steps together! 

At first it may have been a bit difficult to do on the first try, but as the class went on and the students got into the groove of it all, it really turned into a dance party! Near the end of the class the instructor allowed the students to try on "la castañuela", an instrument that is used by dancers while the perform to add some flair through its clapping sound. It requires an immense about of precision and rhythm to master by itself, let alone doing it WHILE you are dancing to the song. But it turned out to be a very fun activity for the students overall and and enjoyable cultural experience in Spain. 
