Hamboks, hanoks, and Kimchee!

Programs for this blog post

K-Pop Immersion

Authored By:

Sartu Taha

Week 2 was full of many firsts! The students traveled to Jeonju, a city located in southwest South Korea. Jeonju is known for its traditional hanok homes, bibimbap and chocopies. During their weekend excursion, the students got to visit a cultural center and practice playing traditional korean drums, the mask dance, and the lion dance. For lunch, they got the opportunity to taste authentic Jeonju bibimbap, a rice dish with mixed vegetables and beef. The students also had ample time to explore the city on their own and try the various street food and activities available. Many were excited to finally try on traditional hamboks! Our trip to Jeonju ended with lunch at an amazing Korean barbeque restaurant, which has also been  visited by our favorite kpop group, BTS!

Earlier in the week, the navirgators also got a chance to visit the Kimchee museum. Here they learned about kimchee, of which there are over 250 kinds. They also got the opportunity to make kimchee themselves, and donate it to a home for the elderly.