Seoul Searching with Seoulmates

Programs for this blog post

K-Pop Immersion

Authored By:

Kanong Lee

After 5 days in Seoul, our global navigators are living up to their names as they have gotten the hang of using public transportation and exploring Seoul. On day 6, the students had a chance to see a Nanta performance. Nanta is a dynamic, non-verbal, comedic performance that is lots of fun. The performance is very interactive with the audience and incorporates Korean traditional Samulnori rhythm. Through motion and rhythm a comedic story is told with no need for words. With lots of audience interaction, the students loved the show and two of our students even got to participate on stage! They received pretty cool magnets with pictures of them on stage to take home with them. It was certainly a  memorable experience that the students will keep with them forever!


When the show was over, our global navigators had the opportunity to spend time with their seoulmates, local high school students who volunteer to show CIEE students around Seoul. It’s a great way for CIEE students and the local students to have a beneficial cultural exchange while also making new friends. Before heading out, Seoulmates and CIEE students participated in some fun icebreakers where they learned some fun facts about each other and played an intense game of rock, paper, scissors! After the Nanta show, the students in their Seoulmate groups, meandered around Myeongdong where the streets are lined with food stalls, tons and tons of stores, and  a myriad of restaurants and cafes. The students enjoyed getting to explore Myeongdong and getting to know their Seoulmates at the same time. 
