
Programs for this blog post

Smart Cities & Sustainability

Authored By:

Alyssia Bell

Greetings from Amsterdam,

I'm sure you have many questions. Are the students having fun? Was the flight safe and smooth? Are they making friends? Has my child gotten lost? Are the Program Leaders and staff being nice? Well, I'm here to answer these pressing questions. My name is Sia, and I'm one of the three Program Leaders for the Smart Cities and Sustainability program. Let's break down the last few days.


Arrival was easy and smooth! We landed at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, got through customs, and boarded our charter bus to the Stayokay Hostel Oost with no hiccups. Once we arrived at the hostel, we covered our expectations and requirements and went through introductions. 

water bottle

Room assignments were given, and everyone headed to their rooms. There was a brief orientation, and we received cool water bottles that not only feature a cup but also help the world with their environmentally friendly approach to production.

water bottle

Day One:

Hallo! It's our first real day in Amsterdam. Everyone gathered for breakfast and then took the first of many Dutch language and history classes.

dutch language classes

From learning about Dutch culture, to the constant reminder to "watch out for the bikes!" (they don't stop for you), we had an eventful day. We hightailed it to the University of Amsterdam (UvA) for lunch. I had chicken curry and a vegan brownie. There were so many options and cultural cuisines to try. After lunch, we took a walking tour with Bad Ass Tours and learned about some valuable and lesser-known aspects of Amsterdam's history. The students then had some free time to explore Amsterdam's center, enjoying cookies, fries, ducks, and more. Afterwards, we returned to the hostel to conclude day one.

walking tour

Day Two:

Let the lessons begin!

Although it was my free day (each program leader gets a day off per week), I connected with the program instructor, Katie. She assured me that the students were respectful, asked many questions, and were engaged! The lesson was an introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Afterward, they had lunch at UvA to try more of those delicious options, did a little shopping at the local flea market, and enjoyed more free time at the center. What a day it was! Make sure to check out fellow Program Leaders Ari and Julia's blog posts to learn more about day two!

All in all, in the last 72 hours, friendships have been formed, lessons have been learned, trams have been ridden, and laughs shared! Stay tuned for next week blog that include my information as the days go on.