Guest Blogger: Emiliano Del Riego

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German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

Guest Blogger, Emiliano, shares his favorite CIEE Berlin Language and Culture Session 1 experience so far.

Photo for blog post Guest Blogger: Emiliano Del Riego
Emiliano, from Austin, TX

Coming to CIEE has been a choice I will never regret in life. We have done many things since we have been here. For example, we went to a civilian bunker that had a lot of information about what Hitler did to get power, information that I never knew before. Not only that, we went to the Brandenburger Tor and Greifswald.

Personally, my favorite event of this entire trip was our weekend in Greifswald. At first, when I heard we were going to stay in a hostel I thought we were going to sleep in a small cabin all crowded together but then once we got there I realized I had really underestimated the quality. The reason Greifswald was my favorite is that we learned new things about the city and we also had a lot of fun as we learned. Early in the night, we met some students from a soccer club and we played with them the majority of the time. What made this game so spectacular was that most of the CIEE kids were playing with each other and everyone was getting along with everyone else. When they told us our roommates later that night I thought it was going to suck because I really didn't know anyone in my group that well but then, as it got later, I came to realize that these guys were friendly and nice. It gave me an opportunity to make new friends. One thing I have learned from this trip, in general, is that people, both Germans and Americans, are nicer than they seem.

Photo for blog post Guest Blogger: Emiliano Del Riego
Emiliano and his friends, Annie and Destiny, during a Community Conversation

Danke und bis dann!