Guest Blogger: Amanda Halbert

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

Today, Amanda Halbert is sharing her daily commute from her house in Moabit to the CIEE Global Institute in Bergmannkietz. According to Amanda,

"I take the 187 Bus from Paulstrasse to Kleistpark and then I get on the U7 U-Bahn line at Kleistpark and I take it to Gneisenaustrasse. It takes about 30 minutes and I mostly listen to music."

When asked if she had ever been controlled or had her ticket checked, Amanda says she has but only once and it was on her way home. Good thing she had her ticket or it would have been a 60Euro fine on the spot.

Due to Germany's strict privacy laws Amanda cannot show the faces of people on the street or train but please enjoy this time-lapse video she took of her morning commute.

Danke, Amanda!

Bis bald!