Getting Ready

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

Hey, all!

It's Julianne, one of the Session I leaders for the Berlin Language and Culture program. Allow me to welcome you to the Session 1 program blog where you will be able to follow along on our group's adventures.  I am so excited to have this space to share what our students are learning and experiencing this summer in the vibrant city of Berlin, the cultural capital of Germany.  Every few days we will be posting photos, videos and thoughts from the students and other program leaders so make sure you check back here regularly for updates.

I am writing this post from Terminal 4 of JFK. I have met up with the two of the three other program leaders (hey, Katie and Jana) and we have met up with two of our students (shout out to Donald and Jason, y'all are awesome). We are so excited to meet the rest of the group here or at the gate for our group flight and then connect with our entire group, including Rorey, our fourth PL, around noon tomorrow, Sunday, at the CIEE Study Center. Until then we will be getting to know each other, trying to sleep and get ahead of the jetlag curve and, let's be honest, watching too many movies on the flight.

I cannot wait to keep y'all informed on our adventures and please feel free to interact and leave comments, letting us know what you want to see!

Photo for blog post Getting Ready
We have already established the PL dynamic...

Danke und bis bald!
