Gaucho Adventures: A Day at Estancia La Mimosa Ranch

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Spanish Language & Argentinian Culture

Authored By:

Graham Cruise

Our visit to Estancia La Mimosa, an Argentine ranch just a couple of hours outside of Buenos Aires, was a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. Nestled in the picturesque Argentine countryside, this charming ranch offered us a genuine taste of rural life and the warm hospitality the country is known for.

The group at Estancia La Mimosa
At Estancia La Mimosa
Enjoying Estancia La Mimosa

We arrived to the warmest of welcomes from the staff accompanied by a pack of wild peacocks and chickens to everyone's delight. We began our stay with our wonderful hosts by taking a short tour around the ranch and eating delicious empanadas, an Argentine delicacy.


Soon thereafter, it was time to ride around on horseback. Everyone got the chance to saddle up and take a stroll around the corral on a horse, which for a brief moment, we felt like real gauchos, the iconic Argentine cowboys.

On horseback
On horseback
On horseback
On horseback

The day's activities continued with a captivating folklore dancing and drum performance, along with traditional asado, an Argentine barbecue that is a must-experience for any visitor. 

Folklore dancers
Argentine asado for lunch

Another one of the highlights of our visit was the opportunity to interact with the ranch's many animals. From curious dogs to friendly goats, we fed and petted a variety of creatures, each more endearing than the last. 

With all the animals
Feeding the goats

Our day at Estancia La Mimosa was an unforgettable journey into the heart of Argentina. From the mouthwatering asado and exciting horseback rides to the vibrant folklore dances and the chance to feed adorable animals, every moment was filled with joy and discovery. 

This visit was more than just a day trip; it was an immersion into a way of life that values tradition, nature, and hospitality. If you ever find yourself in Argentina, a visit to Estancia La Mimosa is an experience not to be missed.