The Fun Never Stops!
As we entered Week 3 and realized the program was already more than half over, none of us thought it could be true. We are having so much fun on so many varied field trips, and we PLs (shorthand for Program Leaders) have noticed great progress in the students' German. Surely our time is not already running out?!!
Even in the lower levels, the students have been excited to practice their German on the road, ordering ice cream, greeting CIEE staff, and talking to local German speakers about important cultural landmarks, popular vacation pots and how much rent costs in different parts of Berlin. Our recent weekend trip to Goerlitz was most certainly a high point of the program and a big thrill (and of course it merited its own blog). But before and after, the adventures have been ongoing. Here are just a few of the many activities we have had.
In week 2, the groups were split into three. Students found it hard to pick just one activity. One contingent went swimming, one went to the Spy Museum, and a final one went to went to see the Special Olympics in action. (By the way, lieber Gott, goodness gracious, what an AMAZING coincidence for Session 1 Language and Culture that the Special Olympics World Games overlapped with OUR stay!!!! The whole group had already visited the Olympic Stadium the day before the opening ceremony for a hard-to-book tour, and now a portion of our group was choosing to return to see some actual games. Naturally, the Special Olympics also got its own blog.) But even the less spectacular field trips have been memorable. Swimming, anyone?

The contingent that went to the Spionenmuseum (Spy Museum) rated it as one of the most interactive and fun activities. They learned about the history of covert information gathering on the part of East and West Berlin agencies, as well as other countries and got a first hand look at the manyunusual techniques used by real life (and some fictional) spies.

Right before our weekend trip to Görlitz, all the classes were treated to ice cream. Gelato is a favorite found all around Berlin, and everyone enjoyed a scoop while the students interviewed each other about their experiences. It is quite impressive when we hear students who have never before studied German, or who perhaps have one or two years, asking each other in German, Was hast du zu Mittag gegessen? (What did you have for lunch?), Hast du gut geschlafen? (Did you sleep well?),or Welche Eissorte hast du bestellt? (What flavor of ice cream did you order) or, for our more advanced students, practicing for their Community Conversations, Welches historische Ereignis ist für Sie besonders wichtig? (What historical event do you think is especially important?)

As the students are enjoying the Host Family weekend, there is a pause in the group field trips as the program enters the fourth and final week. The realization that the adventure is almost over is settling in, but we're not quite ready for the fun to end.

And just in case something is needed such as a nudge to stay speaking German, the trusty PLs are always nearby!

So, los geht's (let's go)! It's on to Week 4, a busy and full week. lots of German, and soon, sadly, packing. We couldn't be having more fun.
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