First Days in Berlin

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Christine Littmann

Lernt mit uns! = Learn with us!


Der Flug = the Flight:  Travel day went pretty smoothly.  We had fun meeting new friends at the airport, playing games while we waited, and not losing anybody’s luggage. 

Frühstück = Breakfast:  This has been the favorite meal for most of the students so far.  They are eating with their host families, or finding yummy bakeries along the way.  Today’s recommendation is the “Strawberry-Nutella Croissant”!

Sonnenschein = Sunshine:  The weather has been sunny and warm this week  It has been perfect for most of our outings.

Kiez = Neighborhood:  Our campus is located in a fabulous neighborhood!  Students walked around on a short tour to find all the great food, fun shops, and other places to meet their needs–all within a few blocks of the classrooms.

Mission Unterwegs = Mission On the Move:  We are so proud of the students for taking risks and using their new German skills to talk with people in the community.  Every afternoon they are given a task to go out and speak with shopkeepers, restaurant workers, and friendly passerbyers, building up their language.


Bis bald!  =  See you soon!