First Day Adventures!

Programs for this blog post

Video Game Design

Authored By:

Leslie O'Brien

What a great first day for the Game Design group in Kyoto, Japan. Those of us traveling from the airport experienced the Hello Kitty train, followed by a transfer to their subway system, and ending with a short walk to the hotel. For some of the students, this was their first ever experience overseas and on a rail system.  

While making memories, we laughed and learned from our silly mistakes. Elevator doors stumped us in the airport, carrying luggage up/down many flights of stairs from the trains/metro was a serious workout. Thank goodness for smart phones.  Using apps to translate labels and signs was a game changer if you had little to no knowledge of the Japanese language.  

On our first full day, it started with a little history by visiting the Nijo Castle.  Students were able to walk/tour through the buildings, observe the gardens, and feed the fish.  For many, this was their first experience ever being in a castle.