To Fight or To Eat?

Programs for this blog post

Video Game Design

Authored By:

Leslie O'Brien

It’s hard to decide which was better: fighting with swords or making candy. Students were able to experience both of these during their second week here in Kyoto.  Students traveled through the Nishiki Market to the Samurai & Ninja Museum with Experience. After learning about some of the history, shoguns, ninjas, and swords, students were given the opportunity practice throwing ninja stars at targets. They then were able to dress up in their favorite Samurai warrior style. Armor, a belt, a sword, and a helmet were provided with different backdrops for great scenic picture opportunities.  Some students even posed without dressing up while waiting for their turn.  

Later in the week, the students travelled by an express subway to Kanshundo East Store. Upon arrival students’ eyes feasted on the amazing displays of traditional sweets that depicted the flowers and fruits of the summer season of Japan.  Students were taught how to mold simmered beans into sweet vibrant wagashi.