Exciting beginnings in Mérida!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture

Authored By:

Amanda Anderson

Sunday, June 9, marked the biggest travel day for our students arriving to Mérida for the High School Summer Abroad (HSSA)  Spanish Language and Mexican Culture program.  Whether they arrived with chaperones from Miami or Houston or flew by themselves from a different airport, students were warmly greeted upon their arrival by CIEE staff and their new homestay family members. They were taken to their new home stays to settle in, meet any new roommates also participating in the program, and rest up for Monday's orientation.


Decorations seen around the CIEE center, including a skeleton and a snowman figurine

On Monday, students arrived at CIEE's center ready for a full day of orientation.  Besides learning about logistical information of the program and the city, students also discussed best practices to keep everyone healthy and safe. 

A list of the topics discussed during CIEE program orientation
A CIEE staff member discusses with students what family means to them while abroad


Everyone enjoyed lunch as they learned the layout of the CIEE center, including a space dedicated as a student lounge. After finishing up session topics, students were treated to some ice cream and made plans with classmates for afternoon hang-outs before returning back to their homestay.  Students surely got a full night's sleep to prepare for meeting their professors the next day!