Deep into the culture

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Argentinian Culture

Authored By:

Micaela Freire

The week kicked off with a lively visit to Buenos Aires’ Chinatown. Nestled in the heart of the city, this bustling neighborhood offered our Global Navigators a feast for the senses. From aromatic street food stalls to intricate handicrafts, there was so much to see, taste, and experience. It was the perfect start to the week, setting a tone of exploration and discovery.

Monday in Argentina was a national holiday, bathed in sunshine. Our students joined locals in enjoying the day outdoors. Picture them lounging in parks, sipping mate (Argentina’s beloved herbal tea), and exploring a vibrant pop-up market where they snagged unique artisanal jewelry. It was a day of immersion into Argentine culture at its most relaxed and festive.

The next day, there was an interactive empanadas workshop. After their classes, students rolled up their sleeves to master the art of making these savory delights from scratch. The challenge? Perfecting the "repulgue," the intricate technique of sealing the empanadas to ensure every bite bursts with flavor. Despite the challenge, their efforts paid off—each empanada was a triumph of taste and tradition.

The other part of the group ventured into Puerto Madero, an exclusive neighborhood known for its stunning blend of modern skyscrapers and scenic parks. Crossing the iconic Women’s Bridge, named in honor of Argentine heroines, they immersed themselves in history and architecture. A highlight was the Corcova Museum, where sculptures recreated iconic artworks from across the globe. Inspired by these masterpieces, students chose one to reinterpret in their own creative style.

After each day’s adventures, our students eagerly returned home to their host families, forging lasting connections and embracing a new way of life.

Stay tuned for more updates as their journey continues. Here’s to many more adventures ahead!