Cooking Workshop - C'est Parti !

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French Language & Culture

This week the students were separated in two groups for two different sessions of a cooking workshop! On Monday and Thursday, students traveled long and far (40 minutes via le bus) to learn some traditional French pastry recipes. We made clafoutis, as well as some crepes, bien sûr...

Clafoutis is a simple and traditional cake made with cerises, or cherries, which are layered in the bottom of a cake pan and then the batter, made up of flour, eggs, milk, and sugar, is poured on top. It is then baked for about 30 minutes, until it rises and the dough is cooked through. It is simple, easy, and delicieux.. I highly recommend it! All of your children have been emailed the recipe we used.. so I would demander that they cook it for you when they return stateside.. desolée mes choux, I blew up your spot. 

If you cannot wait until your petits return, check out the recipe here! Don't worry, I found one in English with American measurements for you all.. :)

Speaking of French foods.. while we were all patiently awaiting the final version of our clafoutis, the students participated in a blind food taste test. Students closed their eyes as they tried and guessed 5 sucrés (sweet) and 3 salés (savory) French goodies. They ranged from olive tapenade, to crème de marrons (hazelnut cream), nutella, and French moutarde (mustard.) They were great sports about it.. but we weren't too mean about it, I mean we could have bought a jar of French sardines or something for them to try!

Check out some pictures from our adventures... à la prochaine! 

-PL Bridgette 



