CIEE Talent Show!

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell


Y'all, I could not be any happier if I tried. On the one hand, I am a tiny bit sad that our last week is already going by so fast, but on the other hand, I am convinced, without a doubt, that we have the best group of students on any program from any summer EVER. Feel free to challenge me on this. The participants are so kind, respectful, punctual, and enthusiastic - not to mention FUN! They never cease to make me laugh with their observations, jokes and funny dances. Their easy-going and fun-loving attitudes can be seen from an event that they put on this past Friday.

Two weekends ago, at Greifswald, the Program Leaders made mention of a potential talent show as a joke, we thought we would scare them all into thinking that they would have to perform something on the spot (the PLs, unlike the students, are not as nice). We did not expect that there would be such an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the idea. So, while we didn't have time to do the talent show in Greifswald we carved out time have one this past Friday and let. me. tell. you. the students just ran with it. 

Photo for blog post CIEE Talent Show!
Jason and Shivneet, our fabulous MCs!
Photo for blog post CIEE Talent Show!
snacks, acts, & friends!

We had MCs and music between sets and acts of every kind: singing, joke-telling, skits, dancing, hidden talents, music playing, you name it! The PLs bought snacks and offered practical support but other than that it was totally student-run. The acts were great and the participants in the audience were so encouraging and supportive of their peers, it was amazing to witness. I am so glad that this joke-of-an-activity turned into an actual event and that our students (and some PLs) got to share their talents with the rest of the group. It was a relaxing afternoon that left the group tired from laughing and full of good vibes and memories.

I hope you've had as much fun following our shenanigans as I have had documenting them!

Danke und bis bald!
