Benvenida A Dominica República! Our CIEE students have arrived!

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Youth Development

Authored By:

Ja'Mya Williams

Hello Fellow Adventurers! I know you have been eagerly waiting to see what we've been up to since arriving! 

We've hit the ground running and are thrilled to share our exciting journey with you. After landing and settling into our homestays, we gathered at the Centro Cultural Dominico Americano (CCDA), our home base for language classes, planning sessions, and cultural exploration.

Our first stop was the "Los Heroes de la Restauracion" museum, where we learned about the Dominican Republic's independence from Spain in 1864. It was a fascinating glimpse into the country's rich history.

But our main mission began at Red Misericordia, an NGO dedicated to supporting homeless children. We witnessed their incredible work, providing shelter, medical care, and education to those in need. The dedication of the staff inspired us and deepened our commitment to making a difference.

Beyond our volunteer work, we've been immersing ourselves in the local culture, exploring the vibrant streets of Santiago, and savoring the delicious Dominican cuisine.  We have tried empanadas, coco de agua (coconut water), and mangu (mango milk). We also went to a local restaurant we visited that has cats to pet! In the coming days, our public health students will have the opportunity to visit local museums, connect with the community, and learn about critical public health issues. These experiences will broaden our perspectives and equip us to become compassionate global citizens.

Stay tuned as we continue our journey, sharing the transformative power of human connection and compassion. 

With hope and love, until next time!