Arrival day

Authored By:

Pieter du Plessis

At 7 am this morning the majority of students arrived at Schiphol International Airport - tired, excited, nervous, and with smiles on their faces. Here we are, the first cohort of the Queer Life and Activism in the Netherlands in Amsterdam - what a time to be alive! What a privilege to be a part of something this great, this freeing, this enriching and this celebratory of diversity!

As we arrived at the CIEE Amsterdam office where Jonathan, the center director, and Ekta, the program coordinator awaited us with yummy dutch snacks and breakfast foods, we started the day off on the right note. We had the opportunity to learn more about the Amsterdam context such as how not to get run over by a bicycle (who would have thought that would be a tip you would have to hear?), what we are going to do for the next three weeks and more important information about our time here. Just as we thought we were running way too low on energy, considering some of us barely slept on the way here, we were surprised by more Dutch delicacies such as a stroopwafel! You have not lived until you have had a stroopwafel! After doing a really insightful bystander intervention training session, we checked into our hostel - The Generator, where we could finally come to rest, freshen up and enjoy the beautiful green park around it. Dinner time was not long away and we made our way to a great little Italian pizzeria located right next to the Amstel river - the very river after which Amsterdam is named! Mamma mia! We ate well! Reflecting on everything that has happened today, it has been a rollercoaster of new experiences and the idea that there is so much more to come is way beyond exciting!

Check out this space to keep up with our adventures as we make and live them. Until then!