Our Brussels Adventure Continues …

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Inside World Governance

Authored By:

Claudia Adams

Tracy Morrison's Post: 

Day two led us to our first stop of the day, Experience Europe. This exhibition teaches students about the European Commission’s core work, priorities, policies and European values, in a playful and interactive environment. Students even had an opportunity to have a virtual interaction with the Commission President, Ursula von der Leyden. 

After a quick trip to the park to relax and enjoy a burger, we traveled to The House of European History. The museum is an initiative by European Parliament to promote the understanding of European history and European integration. The museum houses a collection of objects and documents representative of European history, educational programs, and cultural events. 

After a busy day of museums and exhibits we were ready for pizza, and free time to explore the city.  Hard to believe our European adventure ends in less than a week!