Aquarium O'Clock!!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Jordan Peebles

Today all of our lovely students got to visit the aquarium of Mallorca! The Mediterranean Sea is home to countless species, making the aquarium a must see for anyone who visits Palma. We saw tons of cool sea creatures like seahorses, clown fish, eels, sharks and more. Students had to complete a "my favorite organism," activity where they had to find out as much information as possible about their favorite organism in the aquairum, and then share their results with the rest of the students afterwards. Many students' favorite animal was the sharks of course, but we'll share a few other examples at the end of this blog post.

students at aquarium

Besides typical aquarium exhibits the Palma aquarium has an area of "Mediterranean Gardens," as well as a "Jungle" area-- you can see a photo of students at the waterfall there in this post! There was also a fun interactive part of the aquarium where students could take selfies in a camera, and then be projected as "scuba divers" on a big screen. Of course the students loved this aspect of the visit and many participated! Overall, the students enjoyed this relaxing morning trip to the aquarium after our long weekend away on our overnight trip. We'll continue this week with a bunch of other fun outings with the students!

students at aquarium

Here are some student responses to the "my favorite organism" activity. Of course they're all in Spanish as this is a language immersion program-- so whip out your Google translate, or if you already understand Spanish then enjoy! :)

"El nombre es pez de koi. Las características son el piel es naranja y también, tiene  escamas brillantes. Me gusta porque vive en un estanque."

"El organismo se llama el pez cirujano azul. El pez es azul con un poco de negro y amarillo. El pez mide aproximadamente 31cm. Me llamo la atencion por los colores muy bonitos y porque se parecia a Dory de la pelicula de Finding Dory."

"La animal que es mi favorito es las mantarrayas. Ellos tienen espinas venenosas y colas flexibles. Yo me gusta las mantarrayas porque son bonito y interesante."

students at aquarium