
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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What Are the Different Types of College Deferral?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you're researching how to defer college to take a gap year, you may have come across two types of deferrals. One is deferral for a second review, which might... keep reading


How To Continue Learning French After High School

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

You just spent years studying French—now is not the time to stop! In fact, learning French after high school can be way more fun. Now that you’ve got the basics... keep reading


Postponing College Admission? 5 Ways a Gap Year Abroad Can Help You Succeed

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you’ve landed on this blog, chances are you’re already considering college deferment—but maybe you’re not entirely convinced it’s the right choice. Here’s the truth: there are plenty of legitimate... keep reading


Gap Year Abroad Activities to Highlight on Your Resume

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Your gap year abroad is so much more than just adventure travel. Your experiences abroad, especially on a gap year focused on language and cultural immersion, help shape you as... keep reading


2 Pros and 2 Cons of Taking a Gap Year Abroad

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Young adulthood is go, go, go and chock-full of studying. If you are a high school student that’s about to graduate and head off to college, you might be finding... keep reading


How Can Gap Year Abroad Parents Best Communicate With Their Teen While Abroad?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Your teen is completing high school and leaving home for the first time on a gap year abroad—obviously, you want to stay in touch, especially as they aren't simply going... keep reading


7 Tips for Learning Spanish While on a Gap Year Abroad

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

The Spanish immersion participant experience while on a CIEE Gap Year Abroad is the absolute best way to learn the language. While abroad, you'll hear, read and speak Spanish everywhere... keep reading


Best Tips to Stay Fit While Studying Abroad on a Gap Year

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

During your gap year abroad, sharing meals with new friends and trying new dishes will be a big part of your experience. With food taking such a central place, you... keep reading


How to Ensure Your First Week Abroad Is a Success

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Going abroad for a gap year is like stepping into the most exciting chapter of your life—a time filled with new experiences, friendships, and opportunities. The adventure of a lifetime... keep reading


How to Handle Culture Shock While on a Gap Year Abroad

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

One of the biggest study abroad tips is learning how to deal with culture shock. Culture shock is, for most people, an inevitable part of living abroad. However, we can... keep reading


How to Defer College Acceptance for a Gap Year Abroad

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

More and more graduates are taking a gap year after high school, for good reason! A gap year abroad provides an opportunity to spread your wings and see the world... keep reading


How Are Gap Year Abroad Host Families Screened?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Staying with a host family is an exciting opportunity to connect with the local culture while on your CIEE Gap Year Abroad. Host families offer a welcoming environment and an... keep reading


How Do Visas Work When Studying Abroad for a Gap Year?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

One of the major hurdles for students contemplating studying abroad for a gap year can be the visa process. Most gap year semester programs do not require a visa, however... keep reading


Discoveries within the Daily Life of Kyoto

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you’re here, you’re looking right at the immersive program at CIEE. Maybe you have questions: What will life be like? What to expect, what to be aware of, and... keep reading


It´s not goodbye, it´s hasta luego

By Sergio Jimenez at CIEE

Our GAP program ended last week and althought we are sad to see our participants go, we are extremelly happy to have been able to offer a program that offers... keep reading