How to Defer College Acceptance for a Gap Year Abroad

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High School Gap Year

More and more graduates are taking a gap year after high school, for good reason! A gap year abroad provides an opportunity to spread your wings and see the world, all while gaining life skills that can help you succeed academically and professionally after you return home.  

Taking a gap year with CIEE means you aren’t aimlessly wandering but engaging in beneficial cultural immersion while studying the local language for a gap semester or academic year.  

However, before you embark on your gap year abroad, you must request an approved college deferral to participate in a CIEE Gap Year program. This guide explains how to request a college deferral as you prepare for your gap year abroad!  

What To Know About College Deferment 

The college application process is already confusing enough, and throwing college deferment into the mix can seem overwhelming!  

If you’re wondering whether to defer or not, here are the important things to know:  

  • What is college deferment? College deferment can happen in two different ways: 
  1. The first is when a student applies during the early admission period and the college decides to defer their application for a second round of review during the regular application period.  
  2. The second, and relevant type for gap year students, is when a student has received approval from their college of choice but wishes to push off their enrollment to start at a later date.  
  • How long can you defer college acceptance? Most colleges and universities allow students to defer up to one academic year.  
  • Do all colleges allow deferment? Many colleges and universities allow students to defer their enrollment, but you must confirm directly with your school.  
  • When is the deadline to defer? The deadline also depends on the college, but most schools require deferral requests to be submitted between May and July.  

Benefits of Deferring Your College Acceptance for a Gap Year Abroad

Smiling high school students on program in Palma de Mallorca

You and your parents may also be wondering, why take a gap year? Well, there are quite a few benefits of deferring your college acceptance for a gap year, including:  

  • Improving your language skills abroad, which has been shown to help students excel in all subjects  
  • Gaining cultural sensitivity and awareness 
  • Returning home with life and academic skills to succeed in college 
  • Spreading your wings as a young adult and becoming more confident and independent 
  • Finding your true academic interest before you commit to a college major 
  • Giving your resume a competitive edge for future careers post-graduation  

Take a look at this cheat sheet to planning your gap year

How to Defer College Acceptance  

Now that the basics are covered, here is the step-by-step guide for how to defer college admission! 

Step 1: Begin Preparing for Your College & Gap Year Program Applications 

Preparing your college and gap year applications is best done around the same time. That’s because once you receive your college acceptance and begin the deferment process, it’ll help the college accept your request if you have a good reason to defer, like an organized gap year acceptance.  

Additionally, CIEE requires students to submit proof of deferment in order to participate in gap year programs, so having acceptance to both as soon as possible can help relieve stress.  

Step 2: Connect With Your College or University to Discuss Their Deferment Process 

After you receive your acceptance letter, contact your college admissions office for next steps. The exact process can vary, but your school may ask you to submit specific documentation. 

Step 3: Begin Deferment Application  

Many colleges require students to submit an intent to defer, a letter explaining why you wish to take a gap year and your plans to make the most of it. The school may also request additional documentation. 

There typically is no cost or additional fee to defer your college admission, although many colleges do require students to pay an “enrollment deposit” to secure a spot at the school. This enrollment fee is typically paid by new students anyway, and the exact cost varies. 

Check out our College Deferral Letter Template, which includes a sample deferral letter you can use to explain why you’d like to take a gap year with CIEE. 

Step 4: Finalize Your Gap Year Plans 

As soon as you have your college deferment approved, you can officially finalize your gap year program plans!  

Step 5: Take Off on Your Big Adventure  

The last step is the most fun of all—it’s time to book your travel, pack your bags, and take off abroad!  

How to Discuss College Deferment with Your Parents

Students working on a project together in class

You might be ready for your gap year adventure but maybe your parents aren’t so sure…yet!  

If you’re curious how to have this important discussion with your parents, here are some helpful talking points: 

  • Reassure them that with CIEE, your well-being and safety are a top priority. With CIEE’s 24/7 in-country support, you’ll be in good hands.   
  • Have a discussion about how and how often you’ll keep in touch with them throughout your stay.  
  • Share the invaluable benefits that a gap year program provides students.  
  • And describe the professional benefits of having a gap year on your resume.  

Share this blog with your parents: Why a Gap Year Abroad Is the Perfect Next Step for Your Teen

Begin Planning Your Gap Year Now 

A CIEE Gap Year program can set you up for success as you begin planning your college education and allows young adults to travel before the responsibilities of a career and a professional life set in.  

 Take the first step to planning your gap year by checking out CIEE’s Gap Year program destinations