Why I Chose to Study Abroad in Paris
By: Lia Nickson
When choosing where to go for your study abroad program it can be a really difficult decision. There are so many different factors for choosing a place such as where your from, if you get homesick, if your going to be travelling a lot, what classes are being offered, and so much more.
For me choosing Paris was not my first choice, but after doing more and more research I slowly began to realize that it was the best option for me. When looking into Paris’s CIEE program I noticed that they had a film class (Contemporary French Cinema) available that I would receive credits for my major. After seeing that I began to research Paris and learned how big the city really is and how much it has to offer.
I grew up in cities my whole life so I wanted to make sure I was somewhere big where I had endless things to do and could constantly find somewhere new. A big city was also a huge priority to me because I planned on traveling on weekends to other countries and wanted to budget as much as possible. Being in a big city like Paris that has three different airports allows you to find cheaper flights wherever and whenever.
The CIEE schedule was also incredibly appealing to me because I only had classes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays allowing me more time to travel on the weekends and explore more of Paris each wednesday.
Also if you stay in the same city for all three CIEE blocks you get two five day breaks in between each block which is another great opportunity to travel. For me, I knew that I wanted to be in one city for all three blocks to learn as much as I can about one specific place and it’s culture.
It is so important to figure out what you want to do while your studying abroad and what your priorities are when choosing your home stay country. Research can make such a difference in your decision making and I’m so so grateful I didn’t rule out Paris before looking more into what this amazing city has to offer.
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