Top 10 Dutch Slang Words & Phrases You Must Know
Heading to Amsterdam for an unforgettable study abroad adventure? You’re in for a treat! Get ready to experience the city’s innovative education, its vibrant canal-side culture, and a European capital that celebrates creativity and diversity.
Make your visit to the Netherlands more enjoyable – and even more respectful – when you take the time to learn a few Dutch slang words ahead of your travels. Knowing a handful of words in Dutch can aid you abroad as you’ll be able to order food in a restaurant, ask for directions, or greet the locals in a friendly manner, all in the native language.
Let’s get you speaking like a pro!
Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in the Netherlands
Top 5 Dutch Slang Words
Learning some of the more popular Dutch slang terms will help you have a better travel experience. Plus, it can give you more insight into the Dutch culture!
Dutch Slang Word #1: Faka
Meaning: “How’s it going?” (more popular with younger crowds)
Shortened from fawaka, it’s a Surinamese term the Dutch have taken on to greet one another casually. Once you start meeting people, you may find that it’s a phrase you’ll use quite regularly.
For example: “Faka? Wil je later koffie halen?” (“How’s it going? Want to get a coffee later?)
Dutch Slang Word #2: Toppie
Meaning: Friend or buddy
If someone calls you “toppie,” don’t worry – it’s a good thing! As you begin to build connections in the community, you may hear someone use this Dutch slang term of endearment.
For example: “Toppie! Waar ga je heen?” (“Friend! Where are you heading?”)

Read More: Why Study Abroad in Amsterdam?
Dutch Slang Word #3: Mokum
Meaning: A nickname for Amsterdam
You may not find this word on a map, but you’ll see and hear it in plenty of other places. (Use it to look a little less like a newbie!)
For example: “In dat deel van Mokum ben ik nog niet geweest.” (“I haven’t been to that part of Amsterdam yet.”)
Dutch Slang Word #4: Gezellig
Meaning: Cozy and warm
It’s a word that could describe a café, a book, or even the Dutch way of life. You may see it combined with another word to make a compound term.
For example: “Ik zou vanavond graag naar een rustig, gezellig restaurant gaan.” (“I’d love to go to a quiet, cozy restaurant tonight.”)
Read More: Best Amsterdam Study Abroad Programs
Dutch Slang Word #5: Lekker
Meaning: Nice or enjoyable
If you enjoy your trip to Amsterdam, you may be using this Dutch slang word a lot! You can use it to refer to all sorts of things that are pleasant, like the weather, food, activities, or even people.
For example: “Deze stroopwafel is lekker.” (“This stroopwafel is delicious.”)
Top 5 Dutch Slang Phrases
Gaining a basic understanding of Dutch can also create smoother interactions in everyday situations. Keep the following Dutch slang phrases in mind during your trip!
Dutch Slang Phrase #1: Hallo
Meaning: Hello
Knowing how to say hello in Dutch slang will be useful as soon as you get off the plane – and luckily, it’s very similar to its American variant.
For example: “Hallo! Ik ben zo blij om hier te zijn!” (“Hello! I’m so glad to be here!”)

Dutch Slang Phrase #2: Wat is je naam?
Meaning: What’s your name?
Since you’ll be meeting so many people, getting their names will be important as you begin new relationships and build your network.
For example: “Ik ben Jane. Wat is je naam?” (“I’m Jane. What’s your name?”)
Dutch Slang Phrase #3: Dank u wel
Meaning: Thank you
The Dutch are friendly and welcoming people, and you’ll want to acknowledge any help they’re able to offer you.
For example: “Dank u wel voor de aanwijzingen.” (“Thank you for the directions.”)
Dutch Slang Phrase #4: Ik weet het niet
Meaning: I don’t know
It’s always okay to admit when you don’t know something! Let someone know if you’re not sure what a word means, what time it is, or where your favorite football team is playing.
For example: “Ik weet niet waar die straat is.” (“I don’t know where that street is.”)
Dutch Slang Phrase #5: Goedemorgen
Meaning: Good morning
It’s good to know a variety of greetings, so you’ll want to add “good morning” in Dutch slang to your repertoire.
For example: “Goedemorgen! Hoe gaat het vandaag met je?” (“Good morning! How are you today?”)
Read More: Eat, Drink, Explore: Amsterdam
Take Your Studies to the Netherlands
Learning several Dutch slang words and phrases before traveling to the Netherlands will make the adjustment easier. Spending more time in Amsterdam – and around residents who've spoken the language their whole lives – will allow you to pick up even more Dutch slang terms.
Now that you have some Dutch vocabulary under your belt, it’s time to find your dream Amsterdam study abroad program!
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