Top 10 Czech Slang Words & Phrases You Must Know

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College Study Abroad

So, you’ve decided to study abroad in Prague. How exciting! You’re about to immerse yourself in an incredible city home to stunning medieval architecture, world-class universities, and a dynamic blend of tradition and modernity in the heart of Central Europe

While many people you’ll meet in the Czech Republic will likely know English, you’ll find it helpful – and even respectful – to learn the basics of the Czech language to best prepare for your journey abroad. 

Use this guide to start learning a few Czech slang expressions and words and prep for your once-in-a-lifetime study abroad adventure! 

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in Prague 

Top 5 Czech Slang Words 

You may stand out as a visitor when you first arrive to study in Prague, but by learning a few Czech slang phrases and words, you can get the hang of communicating in your new country in no time. Let’s begin with some popular Czech slang words! 

Czech Slang Word #1: Čau 

Meaning: Hi or bye 

A word with dual meaning, čau is used informally to both greet someone or say farewell. Think of it as the Czech aloha

For example: “Čau, jak se máš?” (“Hi, how are you?”) 

prague group abroad

Czech Slang Word #2: Prachy 

Meaning: Cash 

You’ll need your wallet to go to restaurants, attractions, and shopping, so knowing what prachy means will be important quickly. 

For example: “Kolik prachy si mám přinést?” (“How much cash should I bring?”) 

Read More: Prague Study Abroad: FAQs and Answers 

Czech Slang Word #3: Noční klub 

Meaning: Nightclub 

Part of experiencing another country is checking out the nightlife. If dancing to music is your thing, you’ll definitely want to head to a club. 

For example: “Do kterého nočního klubu bychom měli dnes večer zajít?” (“Which nightclub should we go to tonight?”) 

Czech Slang Word #4: Pouliční jídlo 

Meaning: Street food 

It’s some of the most affordable food you’ll find in the Prague area, so make sure to check out the markets and festivals for it. 

For example: “Slyšel jsem že trdelník je nejlepší street food v Praze.” (“I heard trdelník [a sweet pastry] is the best street food in Prague.”) 

Czech Slang Word #5: Pivo 

Meaning: Beer 

The Czech Republic is known for inventing the pilsner, so you many want to learn more about how and where the style was born while you’re visiting. 

For example: “Mohu si objednat pivo, prosím?” (“May I order a beer, please?”) 

Read More: Eat, Drink, Explore: Prague 

Top 5 Czech Slang Phrases 

Being able to string a few words together will help you feel more comfortable in Prague. Practice these Czech slang expressions on the flight to Europe. 

Czech Slang Phrase #1: Fakt jo? 

Meaning: Really? (as in surprised) 

You’ll probably discover lots of surprising things while you’re in the Prague area, so it’s possible you’ll say this phrase more than once. 

For example: “Ta budova je stará 1000 let? Fakt jo?” (“That building is 1,000 years old? Really?”) 

Czech Slang Phrase #2: Jdeme na to! 

Meaning: Let’s go! 

You’re eager to make the most of your time in the Czech Republic, so you might need to repeat this a few times to get your less energetic friends out the door. 

For example: “Mám hlad! Jdeme na to!” (“I’m hungry! Let’s go!”) 

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Read More: Why You Should Study Abroad in Prague 

Czech Slang Phrase #3: Kde je toaleta? 

Meaning: Where is the bathroom? 

It might seem a little silly, but you won’t be thinking that in your time of need! 

For example: “Tato budova je obrovská! Kde je toaleta?” (“This building is huge! Where is the bathroom?”) 

Czech Slang Phrase #4: Kolik to stojí? 

Meaning: How much does it cost? 

While you’re studying and exploring in Prague, you’re sure to pick up a few souvenirs to bring home, so you’ll need to have some money on hand to pay for them. 

For example: “Ten náhrdelník je krásný. Kolik to stojí?” (“That necklace is beautiful. How much does it cost?”) 

Czech Slang Phrase #5: Nevěřím svým očím. 

Meaning: I can’t believe my eyes 

You might want to keep this phrase in your back pocket when you see some of the unbelievable sights in Prague and beyond. 

For example: “Nemůžu uvěřit svým očím – tento hrad je úchvatný!” (“I can’t believe my eyes – this castle is breathtaking!”) 
Read More: 10 Great Reasons to Study Abroad in Prague 

Take Your Studies to the Czech Republic 

Now that you know a handful of Czech slang words and phrases, you’ve put yourself in a good place for your first few days in Prague. Don’t worry – you’ll pick up more of the Czech slang and language pretty quickly! 

Next up? Finding your perfect study abroad or global internship program!