Language + Culture, Spring 2017, Newsletter II

Programs for this blog post

Language + Culture

Authored By:

Fernando Janeiro


Spring semester is going fast! Language and Culture students have been very busy with classes, cultural activities, and academic trips. Find here some details.

A Syrian Refugee tells his story to our students

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Mayar Skita is a Syrian refugee from Alepo who is studying a Master’s Degree at the Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona and came as a guest speaker to the Past and Present in Barcelona CIEE class. He made a presentation about the current war situation in Syria and explained how he got to be a refugee in Barcelona. Students asked many questions about the Syrian war and his experience leaving the country. Professor focused on Barcelona as a city who welcomes refuges and how was when people from Barcelona were refugees in other countries during the Spanish Civil War.

An art class in the Catalan National Art Museum
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Students at the CIEE Catalonia and Spain Through the Arts course had an on-site class at the Catalan National Art Museum where they learned about the Romanesque art. As part of their assignments, students have to prepare an oral presentation on-site. In this case, three students presented their work about the Romanesque art of: Sant Climent de Taüll;  Pantocrator; and The Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll. In this way, students are not only listeners but also active presenters.

Don Quixote, first edition: 1506

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Students taking the CIEE course Literary Images of Catalonia and Spain did an onsite class at the Catalonian National Library. There, they saw the first edition of the Don Quixote by Cervantes dated on 1506! and had a tour of the Library.