How to spend your free time in Copenhagen
Written by Evan Dobkin Fall Block 1 student:
While studying abroad in any location, there are times where you will find yourself free of plans. How you spend this time will be very important to you abroad experience. I recommend you go out and explore numerous places and find content with being with yourself for periods throughout the day. It may take most of us outside of our comfort zones, I know it did for me, but the enjoyment you will find makes it all worth the while.
Now, how and where have I spent this time? Parks and cafés are my favorite in the mornings and early afternoon. I recommend Rosenborg park and Garden of the Royal Library. The Rosenborg park is large and full of statues, trees, and open grass fields. As well as the home of Hercules Pavillonen Café, which has been one of my favorite cafés in Copenhagen. I come to this café to drink a coffee, eat a pastry, and read my book. South of Rosenborg park is the Garden of the Royal Library. I have spent a lot of time here resting, reading, writing, and listening to music. I choose this location because it is close to the gym I signed up for, I recommend doing this if you find the location you workout in important to you. I go to SATS Blox to workout, the gym is located alongside the canal with large glass windows facing the water allowing members to experience a wonderful view during their workouts. After my workouts I take advantage of the amenities SATS offers, I go into the sauna then into the canal to have a swim to cool off. After a my workouts and time spent at parks or cafés I may be tired and ready to rest back in my room. But if I am not I choose to head over to Nørrebro, a neighborhood known for is popularity with younger adults and full of art and clothing stores. I spend most of my time here going in and out of the vintage thrift stores and occasionally buying myself pieces of clothing that stand out to me.
Copenhagen is full of ways to spend your free time. It has been a great experience living here and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have.
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