Coucou France !

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Liberal Arts

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CIEE Rennes

I had been anticipating my arrival to France for an unnecessary amount of time. I was both anxious and excited, however, I was fully prepared to make new memories. But I was not prepared for the beautiful sights and lifestyle that I was about to encounter in Paris. Walking around the city of Paris and interacting with Parisian Citizens was extremely memorable. I love observing the historical buildings in Paris for their precise sculpture and aging beauty! I will never forget the breath taking experience of visiting “L’Hôtel de Ville”, and learning the inspiration of its immense paintings and luxury.

Our CIEE Assistant was extremely kind on leading tours and helping us establish to the new environment. She would inform us on where to go and what certain places are famous for. We would eat meals in small cafés and enjoy different kinds of pastries. Being with CIEE during our first week of a new environment was extremely comforting and a positive experience. I had guidance in knowing how to complete certain tasks and understand that everyone struggles after arriving in a new environment. 

I gained a lot of confidence in speaking with Parisian Citizens and seeing their relief when I immediately started speaking French. Breathing the air and seeing the beautiful Seine River with other students that want to learn. When the day was ending, I saw the sun going down and the moon sparkle. Seeing it glisten against the Seine and feeling the new environment.

Emely Arcos

Carthage College

Class of 2021