An image of El Escorial
A picture of the author while her hat almost blows away

Sydney W.

Teach In Spain Program Spain

Hi there! I'm Sydney. I'm in Madrid for the January Teach in Spain program. I studied Linguistics and Spanish in college, which included a semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I love Jesus, reading, exploring, baking, writing and playing games. 

I'm excited to bring you guys along via my blog. ¡Hasta pronto!


Your Guide to Spanish Street Abbreviations

By Sydney W.

How Spanish speakers abbreviate their street names was not something I thought I’d need to know before moving to Spain. But there came a time when I was filling out... keep reading

Bedsheets, but Spanish: Need-to-Know Vocab for Buying Bedsheets in Spain

By Sydney W.

Picture this: I’ve been in Spain for four days, and I’m moving into an apartment that night. I’m standing in the ‘bedroom’ section of El Corte Inglés, where I’ve been... keep reading

What to Wear While Teaching in Spain

By Sydney W.

Ah, the eternal question…what to wear? The dilemma takes on new relevance when you’re living and working abroad. If you’re like me, you don’t want to stick out very much... keep reading

A School Day in the Life of an Auxiliar de Conversación (Madrid)

By Sydney W.

I read the news today, oh boy… Just kidding, this isn’t a Beatles song. It’s a post about a day in the life as an auxiliar de conversación in Madrid... keep reading

Getting Started in Spain

By Sydney W.

Moving to another country can give you so much to think about that it’s hard to know where to begin. Nevertheless, you move to Spain one step at a time... keep reading

10 Things I Learned in My First 10 Days in Madrid

By Sydney W.

Even though I’m here in Madrid to teach English to others, this experience has taught me a lot already. Some of the things I’ve learned are small (see #9 about... keep reading

How I'm Preparing to Teach in Spain: Part Three

By Sydney W.

Hello again! This is the third and final part of my getting-ready-for-Spain series, because tomorrow is going to be full of last-minute packing and prep. I’m Getting Ready to Aux... keep reading

How I'm Preparing to Teach in Spain: Part Two

By Sydney W.

Welcome back! I’m continuing to blog about my pre-departure preparations. Here are some more things I’m doing to get ready: I’m Adjusting My Expectations Last time we talked about how... keep reading

How I'm Preparing to Teach in Spain: Part One

By Sydney W.

Hello, there! My name is Sydney, and in two days I’m set to go to Spain as an auxiliar de conversación. This is my second time living abroad (I went... keep reading

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