What to Wear While Teaching in Spain
Ah, the eternal question…what to wear? The dilemma takes on new relevance when you’re living and working abroad. If you’re like me, you don’t want to stick out very much.
So, what to wear while teaching in Spain?
I did so much research before my first day as an auxiliar, and having been here for almost four months now, I would like to report that the Reddit forums are correct.
That is, white sneakers are fine, as are sweatshirts and jeans. Most teachers at my school wear nondescript clothing—think long-sleeve shirts/sweaters in neutral colors. Accessories could include bright scarves, vests, and cool earrings.
In short, it’s not athleisure, but it’s not business attire either. In the gallery, I’ve attached several photos of outfits I’ve worn to my school, none of which have been out of place or weird.
Having answered the first question, we come to the next one:
Where to buy clothes for teaching in Spain?
I recommend second-hand stores like Humana. There are loads of them in Madrid, and the prices are great. I got five pieces of clothing for 55 euro! The fact that you’re buying the clothes in Spain means they’re likely to be things that Spanish people actually wear, and it saves space in your luggage on the trip over.
I hope this has been helpful! Hasta pronto, amigos
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