yucatan dona isable
CIEE Staff

Sabine Williams

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture Yucatan, Mexico



New Words, New Friends, New Faces

By Sabine Williams at CIEE

Yesterday, our Language & Culture participants got together with high school students from a school a few doors down, la Escuela Preparatoria Particular de Montejo y León, to hang out... keep reading


We Gon' Cook Up Tonight

By Sabine Williams at CIEE

Today our Language and Culture group had the chance to take a cooking lesson at Mérida's Culinary Institute (Instituto Gastronómico de Mérida), founded by internationally reknowned Chef David Luna Maldonado... keep reading


Noche de Luz y Sonido - Our first evening outing

By Sabine Williams at CIEE

On Friday evening, the session I Language and Culture Program attended the Luz y Sonido (light and sound) show projected on the side of the San Ildefonso Cathedral in Merida's... keep reading

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