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Rihane Zoubairi

Leadership & Service in Youth Development Mohammedia, Morocco
Hometown: Rabat, Morocco



Student Spotlight - Sarah Mathew, Memories in Morocco

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Throughout these past 3 weeks, I have immersed myself in the rich culture and diversity of Morocco. This program has given me a sense of community and has helped me... keep reading


Lessons from Ait Bouhaddou

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Our students have truly embraced the idea that " everything is a learning experience." Last weekend, we traveled south of Morocco to one of its imperial cities: Marrakesh, the red... keep reading


Student Spotlight - Elizabeth Ross, New Lasting Friendships

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

I think friendship has a different meaning depending on who you're asking and what season of their life they are in. The dictionary defines friendship as “the emotions or conduct... keep reading


Week 2: Food, Leadership, Casablanca, Darija, and more food!

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Week two has been full of surprises and fun, and it's almost over! Thursday was especially interesting as we learned so many new things and visited Casablanca! With Madiha, our... keep reading


Student Spotlight - Katherina De Leon, Living the Moroccan Way

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Mohammedia has a community that is warm and beautiful. On the first day, my host family and I walked through the neighborhood holding hands, and they introduced us to Moroccan... keep reading


Week One Complete! Ready for What's Next

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Our first week is almost over, and we can't believe how quickly it's flown by! We've already settled into Mohammedia, learned so much from our host families, and picked up... keep reading


Student Spotlight - Abigail Clifford, Moroccan Women's Football Team Making History

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Football, football, football! Football, known as soccer in only a few countries, finds its origins all the way to the time of the Aztecs. However, the game we know today... keep reading


Ethical Volunteering: Breaking Stereotypes and Creating Connections

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

In the realm of leadership and service, our Global Navigators embarked on a thought-provoking journey during their Highschool Summer Abroad program in Mohammedia, Morocco. They delved into an engaging session... keep reading


Connections, Orientation, and Service Unveiled

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

Sunday marked the much-anticipated arrival of our Global Navigators in the country of Morocco, with Mohammedia as their host city. Embracing them with open arms, their homestay families eagerly awaited... keep reading


A Journey of Memories and Lasting Friendships: Session I Goodbyes

By Rihane Zoubairi at CIEE

The time had come for our Global Navigators, the ambassadors of our Leadership and Service for Youth Development program, to bid farewell to their Moroccan host city, Mohammedia, and embark... keep reading

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