Week One Complete! Ready for What's Next

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Youth Development

Authored By:

Rihane Zoubairi

Our first week is almost over, and we can't believe how quickly it's flown by! We've already settled into Mohammedia, learned so much from our host families, and picked up some useful Darija phrases. We were excited to meet the local youth involved in the service project, and we've already started renovating a local school, teaching English, and making many new friends along the way.

New Friendships

Today, after our service activities, we had an insightful discussion about ethical volunteering and voluntourism. We talked about the true meaning and intentions behind service, as well as the difference between intent and impact. We emphasized the importance of suspending judgment and truly listening to the needs of the community.

Darija Class

We're all incredibly motivated and looking forward to the next two weeks. Tomorrow, we're gearing up for our surfing session and can't wait for more adventures!