Maylen Rafuls
Maylen's Program
Maylén Rafuls Rosa is a high school French teacher at San Ysidro High School in San Diego, CA. Originally from Cuba, Maylén has nine years’ experience in education as a French, Spanish and Math teacher. A graduate of Princeton (Comparative Literature, 2007) and Stanford (M.A. in Education, 2012), Maylén will be starting a PhD in Leadership studies at the University of San Diego this fall.
Maylén first started traveling with students in 2016, when she took a group to Seville, Spain. She’s a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, having completed her two-year service in Mauritania, where she managed a Girls’ Mentoring Center. As a language lover and world traveler, some of her favorite things include discovering new cultures and studying languages. She speaks English, Spanish and French fluently and dabbles in Italian, Arabic and Portuguese.
Student Takeover: Je t'aime, Toulouse!
In the student takeover blog below, Becky talks about the wonderful relationship she developed with her host family. For many students, the host family connection was the highlight of their... keep reading
A Life-Changing Experience
The CIEE High School Study abroad experience can be life changing for students. Being abroad presents a plethora of new challenges, including learning to survive in a new language, getting... keep reading
Student Takeover: 300% more confident
In my second year as a Program Leader here in Toulouse, I was so fortunate to be able to share the experience with one of my own students from back... keep reading
The Mediterranean Sea Cures All
With record-setting high temperatures this weekend, it was Group C and D's turn to go cool off at the beach. We (all women and girls) boarded the bus right after... keep reading
Student Takeover: Chef Mini and her happy helpers
This blog is written by CIEE Toulouse Session 1 student Busira. Busira is originally from Nigeria and has been living in the United States since she was seven years old... keep reading
Birthdays in Toulouse
Birthday celebrations are important: having someone remember your birthday makes you feel appreciated. Taking the time to recognize students who were celebrating their birthday during their stay in France was... keep reading
Enjoying Food in Toulouse
All Toulouse language learners do a unit on food during their stay in France. According to their level of French, they learn food vocabulary, how to order at a restaurant... keep reading
Host Families in Toulouse: supportive and caring
One of the key characteristics that makes the CIEE Language and Culture programs stand out is the homestay. Students live with host families and are thus completely immersed in the... keep reading
Expanding Students’ Cultural Awareness in Toulouse
One of the most important parts of the CIEE Toulouse Orientation is center Director Isabelle Jaffe’s Introduction to Cultural Differences workshop. Meet Isabelle. A native French speaker with French and... keep reading
Growth in Toulouse
"Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization."... keep reading