Exploring Engineering in Berlin, Germany
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CIEE Staff

Kyle Rader

Engineering & Innovation Berlin, Germany
Hometown: Waterford, WI

Kyle has been traveling internationally since high school, when he participated in an exchange program in Germany. He spent a semester abroad in Berlin during his pursuit of a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. Kyle returned to Germany for his Master's Degree, also in Mechanical Engineering, and then worked for a year as a Software Developer and two years as both a Process and Product Engineer. Realizing his passion was in education, he became a teacher and has worked in Waterford, WI for the past ten years teaching all of their engineering classes.



Tour through Berlin

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Today, the engineering students began their first full day in the city with a walking tour of the historic city center. We began with a triumphant start at the Brandenburg... keep reading


Visiting the Space City

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

For anyone who loves space exploration, visiting the Cité de l'Espace should be on your bucket list! We spent a full day there yesterday, and were able to see and... keep reading


An Excursion into the Countryside

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Faced with the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's good to sometimes go out into the countryside and experience life in a more relaxed way. In this sense... keep reading


Baking with Engineers

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Baking is all about following the recipe, and engineers are supposed to be good at paying attention to details, so baking should be no problem for us! We are in... keep reading


Rocket Studies

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Over the past few days, we have been working on rockets: building them, launching them, and designing and executing an in-depth test of design parameters. Through this process, the ultimate... keep reading


A Trip to the Middle Ages

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

We concluded our weekend of excursions with a trip to the medieval city of Carcassonne. This city is perched atop a hill overlooking the surrounding valley, and is encircled with... keep reading


Our Saturday Excursion

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

On Saturday, we had a day full of excursions, both engineering-focused as well as culturally-oriented. The day began with a morning in the trees! At La Canopée Dentelée, students got... keep reading


Visit to Airbus

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Yesterday, we had an awesome afternoon of visits, revolving around both Airbus and historical airplanes. This day, although going backwards in time, allowed us to see quite a large chunk... keep reading


A Day of Experimentation

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

Our first day of learning was full of experimentation! We began the day building gliders, with the students first trying out different designs, then receiving some tips about how to... keep reading


The Engineers have Arrived!

By Kyle Rader at CIEE

After many flights, connections galore, and a very sleepy evening, the engineering students have arrived in Toulouse! Everyone was very excited to meet each other, and it was great to... keep reading

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